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Travel and Reimbursement

Chancellor’s Office Travel Reimbursement Process

  1. Chancellor’s Office employees will send a completed Travel Reimbursement Agreement (a Chancellor's Office-initiated document) within 10 days of returning from the travel/event.
    1. The Technology Center will internally route the document for the approval by the Authorized Representative (Executive Director) with a CC to the Chancellor's Office.
    2. The signed copy will be delivered to both entities when complete.
  2. Once The Travel Reimbursement Agreement is approved, the Chancellor's Office team processes their travelers’ reimbursement claims and makes payment internally.
  3. Chancellor's Office team submits invoices and supporting documents for each traveler to the CCC Technology Center Accounts Payable portal for the expenses reimbursed to the travelers.
  4. The Technology Center will process invoices based on the District’s Travel Guidelines (AP 7400) and make payment to Chancellor's Office.

Other Travel and Reimbursement

Committee members, state agency representatives, and other authorized travelers who are NOT employees of the Butte-Glenn Community College District or the Chancellor's Office will use this procedure to obtain reimbursement for allowable travel expenses related to CCC project travel. This may include committee meetings, other project related meetings, trainings, or workshops.

  1. Download the TRAVEL FORM NON-EMPLOYEES to your desktop.
  2. Complete the travel form with your expenses.
  3. Scan your receipts and save in PDF format.
  4. Upload your completed worksheet in EXCEL FORMAT (.xlsx) with your PDF-scanned receipts to CCC Technology Center
  5. Monitor your email for a request to review and electronically sign your submission.

Please upload the travel form as an Excel file. All other documents should be PDF.

Questions Regarding Travel Reimbursement?

For any questions you may have about filling out and submitting travel forms, allowable expenses, reimbursement, etc., please refer to the Butte-Glenn Community College District Administrative Procedure document.