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Research, Analysis & Consulting

College IT departments often operate with limited resources, so the California Community Colleges Technology Center works on their behalf to monitor an extensive list of resources to identify and investigate technology trends that may affect the system.

Items identified for review are brought first to the Systemwide Architecture Committee (SAC), then to the Telecommunications and Technology Architecture Committee (TTAC) for review and recommendations. Recent examples include:

  • Federated Identity
  • Enterprise Portals
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Data Governance
  • Cloud Computing

The CCC Technology Center participates in the CCC Directors Collaborative to maintain relationships with other directors and assist with technology issues. In addition the Technology Center’s Executive Director and Chief Technology Officer are called upon to assist systemwide committees.

Working with the SAC, the Technology Center conducts surveys to gather information and identify needs. Recent surveys include a Technology Purchasing Survey that resulted in significant savings opportunities for the system through Foundation for California Community Colleges negotiated pricing, and Information Security Survey which has informed funding of the systemwide security initiatives.

Since 2012, the Technology Center at Butte College has deployed all systemwide applications at scale into the cloud, and has established expertise in cloud computing security, DevOps (Development and Operations), zero downtime deployments, and High Availability environments. We apply this knowledge and expertise in a consulting capacity as we assist colleges in moving to a cloud environment.