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CCC MyPath

CCC MyPath is a guided pathway onboarding platform that provides information and resources to incoming students, and bridges the gap between the online application and a college’s local systems. It is uniquely positioned to provide critical, dynamic guidance to the student by virtue of its integrated relationship with CCCApply.

By utilizing the four pillars of Guided Pathways, MyPath aims to address the falloff between applications received and student enrollment numbers by keeping students engaged with the college and with the system.

Pillar 1: Clarify the path

  • Career exploration
  • Setting goals
  • Finding programs

Pillar 2: Enter the path

  • Individually customized pathway
  • Prescriptive, task-based advising
  • Intelligent resource recommendations

Pillar 3: Stay on the path

  • Visual progress dashboard
  • Nudges and reminders
  • Community-based support
  • Student help desk

Pillar 4: Ensure learning

  • Analytics
  • Data Warehouse
  • Built for deeper integration with college systems

More Information

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CCC MyPath Flyer

How MyPath Works

 Browse Careers with Career Coach

Using Career Coach to browse careers, students begin to see the opportunities college provides.
Browse Careers Example within MyPath

Find Programs

Finding programs within your college to match the students chosen career has never been easier.
Pre-nursing Programs within MyPath example

Set Goals

Once career options have been established, students can begin to set goals to help them reach their chosen career.
Post Career Coach Assessment Outcome for Nursing Example

Learn more about Career Coach
Contact Us
CCC MyPath Online Support

Individualized Customized Pathway

Utilizing Advisor Cards, colleges can structure messages for a student on the services they need to succeed in college.
Customized Pathway Question examples

Advisor Cards

A comprehensive set of Advisor Cards, customizable by the college, is ready to provide a personalized experience.
Advisor Card Workflow Example

Prescriptive Task-based Advising

Keep students engaged, on track, and informed.
Task Example

Intelligent Resource Recommendations

Recommendations based on the student's actions and profile.
Recommendation Example

Contact Us
CCC MyPath Online Support

 Visual Progress Dashboard

Let the student take pride in acheiving tasks to complete their college journey.
Student Dashboard Example
Student Workflow Example showing filling of advisor card

Nudges and Reminders

Everyone forgets. CCC MyPath can help by giving nudges and reminders for what matters most to the student.
Nudge or reminder example

 Community-based Support

With an On-demand Call Center and a community-based support site, help and answers are never far away. help area example

Student Help Desk

Students can get help with CCC MyPath with a simple email or phone call.
Request Support
student contact page example

Contact Us
CCC MyPath Online Support

MyPath Introductory Webinars

Learn the specific steps involved to implement CCC MyPath, hear from a college that has recently gone through the implementation process, and find out how students in the California Community Colleges have benefited from MyPath usage to date.

Watch on YouTube.

As part of the student onboarding process in CCC MyPath, the Document Gathering Service can be used to collect copies of proof-of-residency, financial aid, athletics/Title IX documents, and other forms required to support student success.

Watch on YouTube.

In this webinar, a team from Long Beach City College discusses LBCC's implementation of the CCC MyPath student onboarding platform.

Watch on YouTube.

In this webinar, we'll explore how CCC MyPath can:

  • Assist with student onboarding in alignment with Guided Pathways, and
  • Reduce student attrition by providing a bridge from application to enrollment

Watch on YouTube.

Learn how one multi-college district implemented CCC MyPath, a customizable student services platform that provides a bridge from application to enrollment.

Watch on YouTube.

View the Peralta CCD MyPath webinar slide deck.

Hear from College of the Canyons about its implementation of CCC MyPath and how it addresses the specific needs of its students. Designed to support student success in California's community colleges, CCC MyPath complements colleges' student onboarding process by guiding new applicants through exploration of educational programs and campus services tailored to their individual needs.

Watch on YouTube.

This webinar provided an overview of CCC MyPath, a customizable student services platform that provides a bridge from application to enrollment, and a discussion of the Career Coach add-on application.

Watch on YouTube.

Fully customizable and free to all colleges, CCC MyPath integrates with the CCCApply online college application, as well as career exploration, degree planning, and other support tools to help each student set a career goal and find a program that supports the goal. CCC MyPath then provides sequenced information and guidance, tailored to keep the student on their individual pathway. In this webinar, we explore how CCC MyPath can:

  • Assist with learner onboarding in alignment with Guided Pathways Pillar 1, and
  • Reduce student attrition by providing a bridge from application to enrollment

Watch on YouTube.

Recorded as part of the October 17, 2018, CCC MyPath webinar, representatives from Sierra College discuss why the college chose to adopt CCC MyPath, and describe the implementation experience.

Watch on YouTube.

This webinar covered:

Watch on YouTube.

In this webinar, we'll explore how CCC MyPath can:

  • Assist with learner onboarding in alignment with Guided Pathways Pillar 1, and
  • Reduce student attrition by providing a bridge from application to enrollment

We'll also cover:

  • The Career Coach application and the value it adds to CCC MyPath
  • First-hand implementation experience from Golden West College
  • Questions and answers

Watch on YouTube.

In this webinar, we'll explore how CCC MyPath can help solve the problems of:

  • Learner onboarding in alignment with Guided Pathways Pillar 1
  • High attrition between application and enrollment

We'll also cover:

  • The Career Coach application and the value it adds to CCC MyPath
  • Why Rio Hondo College has chosen to implement CCC MyPath

Watch on YouTube.

This webinar includes:

  • An overview of the CCC MyPath student onboarding platform
  • A discussion of the Career Coach career exploration tool
  • Highlights from College of the Desert's experience implementing MyPath

Watch on YouTube.

In this webinar, hear from Santa Rosa Junior College about the college's implementation of CCC MyPath.

Watch on YouTube.

This webinar provided an overview of the CCC MyPath student onboarding platform, with presentations from California community colleges including:

  • Sierra College
  • Santa Rosa Junior College
  • Cañada College
  • Clovis Community College

Watch on YouTube.

As part of a series of webinars designed to provide additional information on specific aspects of the Student Services Portal project (now known as CCC MyPath), this hour-long session featured representatives from the Career Exploration work group overseeing the development of the Career Coach product.

Watch on YouTube.

MyPath Administrator How-to Videos

Learn how to configure the look and feel of the theme of your college or district portal as an administrator. Understand the role of the portal and portlets, MyPath's basic structure, what administrators can do, and understand the end-user experience.

Watch on YouTube.

Learn how to customize the look and feel of your college portal: Change a college theme color, change a background image of a college theme, add photo slides to a rotating banner, and brand your college theme with a custom logo.

Watch on YouTube.

Learn how to customize and manage the content in your college portal, including adding content to a portlet, managing a portlet's lifecycle, adding application launchers, adding surveys, and adding advisor cards.

Watch on YouTube.

Learn how to customize the layout for your college portal including portal structure, how to manipulation the placement of content for your users to view, and how to add content to the portal.

Watch on YouTube.