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CCC SSO Federation

The California Community Colleges Single Sign-on Federation (CCC SSO) is an initiative to provide secure, scalable, and integrated technology solutions for the CCC that take advantage of economies of scale and are facilitated by governance from the colleges, themselves. The CCC SSO Federation offers a common framework for shared management of access to CCC resources and secure web applications.

Implementing a single sign-on solution is a requirement of the CCC SSO Federation and allows participating California Community Colleges to take full advantage of the products and services offered by the CCC Technology Center. The Technology Center has partnered with the InCommon Federation to provide a single sign-on solution to the colleges. Through InCommon, college identity providers can give their users single sign-on convenience and privacy protection, while online service providers control access to their protected resources. Learn more about the partnership with InCommon.

Why SSO?

Single sign-on allows students, faculty and staff to access Technology Center services using the login credentials — or CCCID — they already use at the college or district. CCCID is a systemwide ID provided through the OpenCCC initiative. When a CCC student is configured for a CCCID, they can log in to one application, such as the CCC MyPath student services portal, then access multiple different web applications, such as Canvas and CCCApply, without having to log in to each application individually.

Get More Information

OpenCCC & Systemwide ID
SSO Federation Resource Guide