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CCC Data & Data Warehouse

Systemwide applications generate actionable data that can improve student outcomes and facilitate institutional improvement. CCC Data allows information from these applications to be aggregated to provide college researchers with the data that may help to inform personalized experiences for students, and to support research opportunities and decision-making driven by legislation and the greater strategic vision of the California Community Colleges.

CCC Data, supported by the Data Services Program (DSP) initiative, is part of the CCC Systemwide Technology Platform developed to provide shareable services to the colleges. CCC Data consists of:

  • CCC Data Lake, used to collect data from a variety of sources, storing these data as changed over time. The Data Lake is used to populate the Data Warehouse and enable data mining and auditing.

  • CCC Data Warehouse, which acts as a structured source of master data, segmented by MIS code, for use by college researchers. The Data Warehouse currently includes data from CCCApply, CCC MyPath, the Multiple Measures Placement Service, COCI and C-ID.

  • CCC Data Warehouse Report Server, which provides a means for researchers to access their college’s data. Direct connections to data in the Data Warehouse are also supported.

More Information

CCC Data flyer
CCC Data presentation, CISOA Technology Summit, February 2021
CCC Data Warehouse Public Documentation