

California Community Colleges Technology Center: Project GlueSuperGlue is an integration architecture developed by the California Community Colleges Technology Center to allow disparate Student Information Systems (SIS) to connect in a standardized way to systemwide technologies developed by the Technology Center or purchased by the CCC Chancellor's Office, such as the Multiple Measures Placement Service and the Canvas course management system.

SuperGlue provides a secure, robust framework for data exchange between these systemwide products and the colleges who use them. A key objective is to integrate all Chancellor’s Office-sponsored technology initiatives without putting additional burden on local college IT departments.

The architecture has three main parts:

College Adapter

The college adapter is a software component that is installed locally behind a college’s firewall to facilitate data running in and out of the college’s SIS. It enables disparate SIS’ to communicate in a standardized way through a cloud service, such as the Canvas course management system.

Standardized Data

An SIS configuration layer marshals SIS data, and moves it in and out of standard data models.

Data Exchange Using MDM

A data exchange model built around Master Data Management (MDM) gives each college flexibility to choose their SIS, and whether/how often to synch it with the centralized applications. MDM eliminates multiple point-to-point data exchanges across the systemwide products and colleges and replaces them with a single point of reference for reading and writing data.

For more about SuperGlue, explore the CCC Glue: College Adaptor discussions on the CCCTechnology staff helpdesk.