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CCCTC-16-02 Marketing & Public Relations


Notice is hereby given that the Butte-Glenn Community College District is soliciting proposals from qualified vendors for providing services in accordance with the applicable specifications:

Request for Proposals # CCCTC-16-02 Marketing & Public Relations

Sealed proposals will be received electronically at the office of the California Community Colleges Technology Center, Butte-Glenn Community College District, through the website until 2:00PM PDT 5/5/2016.

The RFP documents may be obtained free of charge through the website, through a link on the home page at, or by contacting Sandoval Chagoya at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 530-879-4088.

RFP DOCUMENTS: RFP | Pro Forma Contract | Statement of Work | Prime Agreement

RFP ATTACHMENTS: CAI Marketing Plan | CAI MP Executive Summary | EPI Marketing Plan | EPI MP Executive Summary | CCC TechCenter Marketing Overview | Marketing Firm Evaluation Rubric | Marketing Firm Handbook | EPI Student Portal White Paper | Information Security Center White Paper

A Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Phone Conference, was held at 3:00PM PDT on 4/19/2016. A transcript of questions and answers from the conference are included below. The conference archive recording is pending.

Q&A Transcript from Pre-Proposal Phone Conference

The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive any irregularities or informalities that may be legally waived, and to award a contract according to the proposal which best serves the interests of the Butte-Glenn Community College District.